Monday, March 7, 2011


Good Morning-

The weekend was pretty uneventful.  The weather wasn't great for working outside, so it allowed us to be a bit lazy.  I realize however, that is okay and we deserve a lazy weekend here and there.  We decided we needed to get more hens, so yesterday my husband went and got some more layers from the same lady we bought the first five.  He came home with four more layers and a rooster, yes, a rooster.  The rooster is huge, I mean gigantic.  His feet are as big as my hands...and I have to admit he freaks me out a bit.  I have read stories about roosters going after their owners to display their dominance.  Well, I am not too excited about that idea.  The lady said he is a calm rooster, but I still can't get over his size and I picture him flying up at my face with those claws.  I will get over it and who knows, maybe he will become my new best friend and I will laugh thinking back to ever being scared of him.  My oldest son named our rooster Max. I think that is a great name.  We still have to name the four other hens and I will let you know what we decide.

Every time the UPS man drives near our house, my heart drops.  I am afraid my plants that I ordered are going to arrive before I am ready.  We are getting things ready, but we have a long way to go before we are ready for our shipment.  If the plants arrive before we are ready, our garage is going to become their temporary home.  Let's hope we are ready before they arrive.

Today equals another lazy day since it is raining.  However, the sun is supposed to show himself later this week, so I will just rest myself until he decides to join us again. 

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